
Showing posts from February 14, 2018

My First eCommerce Website!

Recently I've made my very first e-commerce website - BuvaShop , using WordPress. I used   Storefront theme  which integrates really well with the Woocommerce plugin .  WooCommerce offers a lot of other useful plugins, such as  Product Carousel Slider  and PayPal Express Checkout . They say that you learn the most by doing and I've learned a lot making this site: I've learned how to transfer a domain to another hosting company, got familiar with cPanel how to install WordPress on the server, how to add product variations for products, how to install an SSL certificate and how to setup PayPal as a payment gateway using their API. Another important lesson I've learned is that too many plugins, especially if they are making a lot of http request to external resources, can slow down a WordPress site considerably. Also another thing to pay attention to is when using plugins for page optimization; caching, minification, compression etc. ...