100 Days of Code - #100DayOfCode - again?
For those not acquainted with this 100 days of code thingy, basically, it's a challenge where you code for 100 days straight, for at least one hour a day, you can take one day pause every 14 days and you need to share your progress publicly, for example by tweeting about it with the #100DaysOfCode hashtag. The rules are available here . I started it about two and a half, maybe three years ago. Thus far I've finished five rounds of this challenge, which translated into five hundred days of coding for an hour daily on average. The digits might seem impressive, and one might think that after five hounded, or more, hours of coding that one would become a coding ninja. I've made a lot of mistakes while undertaking this challenge such as jumping from one technology to the next hot thing. I also kept a log of my progress on GitHub and had git commits for most of the days. As for the sixth round of the challenge, I've re-started it twice so far and due