
Showing posts from March 16, 2019

100 Days of Code - 4th round completed!

Today I completed the 4th round of the 100 Days of Code Challenge, this round proved a little more challenging to complete due to time constraints, but I managed to pull trough. I've been focusing more on improving skills that help me become more efficient as a QA rather then strictly focusing on web development skills, like I've done before. Having a decent background and understanding in web development has truly helped me when it comes to testing- knowing SQL has saved me a lot of time in investigations, a simple query can get you results a lot faster then you would get them by poking around in the UI, if you know what you're looking for. Also knowing a thing or two about fundamental programming concepts from JavaScript, C# an PHP has been beneficial in helping me get better understanding of how test automation works behind the scenes. In the 5th round I will continue to focus on improving skills that will make me a better QA analyst and a better coder ...