200 Days of Code!

So, I just completed the second round of #100DaysOfCode challenge , making it 200 days of code! In the second round I mostly focused at getting better with core PHP, Laravel and WordPress, also I've done some freelance work as well, most related to PHP/WordPress stuff. Last year, when I didn't know about this challenge and I was mostly coding along with tutorials, I had only 19 GitHub contributions, in 2018, mainly because of this challenge I had over 800 contributions! While doing the 100 Days of Code, I came across a lot of interesting people, talked a few friends into starting the challenge as well. From my perspective, when starting the challenge it's a smart idea to pick a technology and focus on it. I made a mistake in the first round by jumping from this framework to that library. So, I rectified my mistake in the second round and focused almost exclusively on learn PHP, getting to know Laravel MVC and diving deeper into making custom WordPress themes. ...