- website completed

Art portfolio website that I started making a few months ago ( for a high school friend) has been signed of by the client and completed! Since I'm more of a developer and design is not really my forte, he purchased a theme and I while at first glance it thought there would not be much to do I ended up customizing the theme heavily, I made couple of versions of the site and cleaned up a lot of redundant/unnecessary code. I kept the landing page very minimalist and simple: And both the my friend (AKA client) and I were pleased and it looks even better on mobile: The About page I also kept very simple with just a short biography paragraph: The Contact page I modified heavily, it had Google Map API integrated and since client did not need that or the contact form I remove those and kept going with the minimalism here as well. Under the Works menu item I added several portfolio items as sub-menus. Bururet paintings , where I used Boo...