Udemy Course Review
Angular 4 Front To Back
Recently I completed the Angular 4 Front To Back Udemy course, thought by Brad Traversy. I enrolled in the course about 2-3 months ago, but I only recently got into it seriously, as I wanted to complete it before jumping to React. The course is almost nine hours long, broken into 10 distinct sections, with a total of 68 lessons. The first 7 sections cover intro and basic concepts, while the last 3 sections involve implementing what you've learned in two projects. Sections are labeled as follows:
Client Panel project was very fun to do but also very challenging, there were a bunch of components, services, import dependencies etc. While I can't say that I by no means an expert when it comes to Angular 4, now I have a better general understanding on how front end JavaScript frameworks function, also I got a chance to improve my knowledge of ES6 and I found out that there is no reason to be intimidated by TypeScript, it just useful functionality to JavaScript. And it made me switch to VS Code, a decision which I'm not regretting one bit!
To conclude: I've given the course a 5 star rating on Udemy since I learned a lot and enjoyed taking it. I'd recommend it to anyone who's ready to move onto a frond end framework. Especially considering the fact that Udemy often has those crazy sales, when courses can be purchased for $15 or even $10! Thanks for taking the time to read, and here is the fancy cert for the end.
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