100 Days of Code - 4th round completed!
Today I completed the 4th round of the 100 Days of Code Challenge, this round proved a little more challenging to complete due to time constraints, but I managed to pull trough. I've been focusing more on improving skills that help me become more efficient as a QA rather then strictly focusing on web development skills, like I've done before.
Having a decent background and understanding in web development has truly helped me when it comes to testing- knowing SQL has saved me a lot of time in investigations, a simple query can get you results a lot faster then you would get them by poking around in the UI, if you know what you're looking for.
Also knowing a thing or two about fundamental programming concepts from JavaScript, C# an PHP has been beneficial in helping me get better understanding of how test automation works behind the scenes. In the 5th round I will continue to focus on improving skills that will make me a better QA analyst and a better coder at the same time, with focus mainly on the QA aspect of it.
#100DaysOfCode Log - Round 4 - [Mirza Sisic]
The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [November 28, Wednesday, 2018].
First day of round 4 of #100DaysOfCode and 301st day of #301DaysOfCode Cleaned up a #wordpresswebsite of adware, installed SSL certs on two other sites, configured CDN, also practiced React a little bit and worked on a custom WP theme, now it's time to be fat and lazy.
Finished a custom WP theme, I used the bootstrap-starter-theme to save me some precious time
Completed a short course on simple Linux administration, such installing SSL and renewing certificates with cronjobs. Also finished one more WP site and now it's time for some React.
Practiced props in React and made a few corrections in custom WP theme I made recently. Getting back to React made me realized that learning something again from scratch gives you a new, often much clearer perspective on things: props no longer confuse me!
Made some changes on a client's site and practiced re-using and nesting components in React. Oh, by the way when a client says: "that's all" - never fall for it, there's always more!
Started with the course section on class components and using the geo-location API to make a simple React app that shows seasons based on user's location.
Reviewed lesson on class-based React components and started learning about state. Also played around with Linux Mint, installing different desktop environments, Cinnamon and KDE Plasma are very pretty and eye pleasing. #Linux #reactjs #javascript #coding
Started learning life cycle methods in React, backed-up a few WP sites, before the major Gutenberg update. Also, I got the Top Rated badge on Upwork today and wrote a blog post about it: https://ift.tt/2KXSEdE #freelance #wordpress5 #reactjs #webdevelopment
Made a child theme with a few additional sidebars and updated a few sites to WordPress 5.0 - the updating went smoothly.
Made some WordPress edits and completed a few more lessons on life-cycle methods and state in React. I've learned that you don't have to call a constructor function since Babel already takes care of that, which is pretty sweet-ass-sweet.
Worked on a React app that shows season of the years based on geo-location. So far it shows either summer or winter, I get this strange nagging feeling that I might be lacking a few seasons, maybe two more? 😝 #reactjs #webdevelopment #coding #programming
Refactored a few existing components in the Seasons app (made use of template strings to reduce repetition) and added a loading component using Semantic UI. #reactjs #SemanticUI #webdevelopment #components #javascript #programming #jsx
Added a helper function to my Seasons react app and a bit more styling. I had a small problem with it, but it turned out that I just forgot to call the function properly, silly me. 😊 #reactjs #javascript #coding #webdev #webdeveloper #programming #NerdOut
Wrote some custom CSS to modify a WP theme and now I'm off to practice React. Also noticed that I wrote 50 blog posts so far: https://juniorlearnstocode.blogspot.com 75% of those this year, that should be enough blogging for 2018. 😃 #WordPress #reactjs #blog #bloggers
Made an organization on GitHub: https://github.com/OpenHackDay with two of my homies: @CodesNine && @mirzaleka so we can practice coding together and learn from each other. 😃 #reactjs #javascript #coding #GitHub #webdevelopment #NodeJS #webpack #programming #git
Continued working on the #reactjs course, styling components with #SemanticUI is a pleasant change, I've been (ab)using Bootstrap for far too long. Also done some #wordpresss consulting and fired a non-responsive client - damn that felt good!
Today I worked on a Coming Soon page for a client's site: http://www.arabeljewels.com Later I'll try to find some time for React. I've been thinking and concluded that WordPress is like a nagging wife to me and React is that fun, exciting side-chick. 😆
Learning about handling user input in React, using forms and events.
Done some refactoring on the Search bar component and posted an answer on #stackoverflow about a slight hurdle I faced.
Continued learning React, almost done with the search form. Up next I need to make sure it hits up an API, so there's no more console.log 🥳
Registered for the Unsplash API and now working on making the API call with Axios, to see async await in action. Also done some minor WooCommerce edits.
Practiced React a little bit and done some WooCommerce tweaks.
Refactored my react app a little so the API gets it's own separate component and done some reading on how to animate snowflakes (real ❄️, not millennials) with CSS: https://bit.ly/2T23OR7
Image search app - got rid of warnings and errors in the console by adding unique key id and made sure that the alt attribute is automatically populated from the image description, also, made the code less repetitive with a bit of destructuring.
Worked on styling the image search with CSS grid. Also, added a bit of #javascript to detect image height from the DOM and to assign it dynamically, sort of like a primitive version of Pinterest's grid. #grid #React #CSS #vscode #webdevelopment #programming
Started a new React app to summarize what I've learned thus far. I will most likely need to review lessons on state and life-cycle methods a bit more, before proceeding to the Redux section of the course.
Worked on integrating the YouTube search API with my React app. Google's API documentation seems a little messy and overwhelming. Grider's older version of the React course had this same app, so it's a familiar concept.
I got the YouTube API to work! I had error 403 because I needed to restrict access to the API Key, which I did by restricting it to localhost. Now it's time to work on displaying the list of videos.
Working on displaying the list of video thumbnails from the YouTube API and styling the list a little bit. To test I searched, for Kekistan videos, because I'm a patriot! Up next, implementing the state for the video player when a video is clicked. 🥳
Finished the video search app, changed the layout with Semantic UI grid, added default search term (dank memes) in the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to avoid the boring loading message and made the iframe play the selected video by using it's ID. 😎
Finished React portion of Grider's course, I'll came back to Redux sections latter. Now I plan to go over React part of another course - by Herr Maximilian Schwarzmüller, because the course ist zo very gut and I want to get more comfortable with React.😍
Completed first 30 lessons of Maximillian's React course, reviewed ES-next syntax along with the basics of React and JSX. The Hacktoberfest swag also arrived today, a few cute stickers, comfy shirt and a small drink pad. #reactjs #Hacktoberfest #coder
Reviewing the basics of React.
Finished the course section on working with lists and conditionals in React.
Finished some stuff for the client, now it's time for React.
Working on styling a few React components and setting up a few redirects on a client's site.
Ejected the create-react-app to make some changes to the webpack config file, wasn't even scared at all, that's just how we ninjas role... 😝
Done some exploring on error handling in React via React Developer Tools browser extension.
Started refactoring my react app.
Practiced React and read a few posts on difference between different version control systems, namely Git and TFS.
Continued learning React and read about software testing on Guru99 website: https://www.guru99.com/software-testing-introduction-importance.html
Played around with NUnit and read the documentation.
After spending a lovely day with my colleagues yesterday it's time to get back to learning. Today I installed NUnit via NuGet package manager and kept reading the documentation, as I wasn't able to find any up-to date video tutorials.
Started reviewing C# fundamentals, as I'm going to be needing it soon.
Done some WordPress stuff - nutting fancy. Hopefully later I'll have me some sexy time with C# 🥰
Reviewed primitive types in C#
Continue practicing C# casting and converting types.
Reviewing XML on w3schools, because everybody goes to w3schools secretly... 😝
Reviewed SQL syntax and I also noticed I got 10k visits on my blog (https://juniorlearnstocode.blogspot.com/ ) which is a nice little milestone. Now I got all those emotional feelings! 😝
First day on the new job, spent most of my time setting up the environment, reading docs and getting familiar with new workflows.
Today I started learning about testing mobile apps, native app are a whole another beast compared to the web.
I've learned today - Jira is even more complex than it seems! 😝
I've been getting used to daily scrum meeting these past few days and today I had my first spring review, to me agile methodologies are more interesting in practice then in theory.
I spent most of the day executing tests for native apps and looking for bugs to squash. It may have been challenging, but nonetheless very illuminating and pleasant. 😎
Helped one client setup an additional language on her site and done some eCommerce troubleshooting for another client. Apparently MIGS and MPGS payment gateways ain't the same thang dawg! 🤪
Started making an http://asp.net application, I called it: "Mirzly" - I still have no clue as to what the app will do. I figured since during the working days I'm learning a lot about testing I can do some C# over the weekends, because I love it!
Continued learning more about testing mobile apps.
Learned about adding test cases in Jira.
Spent most of the day writing test case templates for native apps and making minor tweaks to existing test suits.
Today I spent some time writing SQL queries in SQL Server Management Studio to save me some time - it's faster then using the GUI back-end, also wrote a few test cases for iOS.
Went to a fun GraphQL meetup yesterday with a few friends, today I spent some time doing a code review for another friend's C# project and gave a few tips to another dude on how to edit WP templates via a child theme. You learn a lot by teaching others!
Learned a few new SQL tricks today and read a ton of documentation, it's really nice when you have database access! I love databases, I just wanna kiss them and hug them and cuddle them. 😍
Practiced SQL and read a lot about Xray - test management tool for Jira.
Practiced SQL, native app testing and got a new badge on stack overflow. 🤓
Spent the day making test plans and test executions, also I got Pluralsight account from my company which was pretty cool indeed. 😍
Finished an e-book (from succinctly series) about VS Code and started reading another one, about SQL and C#.
Ran: npm run build + firebase deploy, after making a few changes to my portfolio: http://mirzasisic.com or as some would put it: deployed a new stable release to production. 😀 Now it's time to practice some C# 😍 #javascript #React #Csharp #NodeJS #npm
Experimented with a few SQL queries in SSMS and read Cucumber docs on the topic of Gherkin.
Getting more acquainted with Cucumber and doing some exploratory testing.
Practiced SQL, C# and helped a designer friend finish a few coding projects.
Continued reading about C# and attended a knowledge sharing session on SQL and REST API.
I've been learning a lot about SQL these few weeks, an appropriate query can really help in a QA investigation, I keep my SSMS opened all time.
Read a few pages of the Succinctly book on C# and practiced SQL queries, also I looked up a few Angluar courses, I've been thinking about learning it as it would help me at work to get a better understanding of the current stack.
Read another chapter of the C# book, practiced SQL, read a few articles on Angular and also read about lambda functions in C#.
Listened to two episodes of the Coder Radio podcast, practiced SQL and completed a few C# quizzes on the SoloLearn app. I'm looking for new podcast recommendations, preferably ones about QA and Microsoft related topics. #coding #SQLServer #podcast #csharp
Done some WP debugging for a regular client, listened to the Coder Radio podcast and I've stolen a ton of coding-related memes for my precious meme collection. Also downloaded a few Udemy and Pluralsight courses to have them ready when I'm on the go. 😍
Working on 2 freelance projects, making a responsive version of the page for one client and a bit of layout changes for the other one - using Elementor so it hardly feels like work! Tonight I plan to practice C# 😎
Finished reading a short e-book on C#, watched a PluralSight tutorial about the Agile Framework and now it's time to do some freelance stuff, nutting fancy just soft-core Bootstrap shenanigans.
R4D82: Finished the course on Scrum, watched an overview course about Angular, read about testing in Angular using Karma, Jasmin and Protractor, also went to the #OpenWeb coding meetup, with a very interesting topic and got I laptop stickers, ou yeaaa. 😎
Learned more about Angular, practiced a bit of SQL and went to a design lecture organized by #DaFED
Done some more reading about Angular and started drafting a new post - I've haven't been blogging much for the past 2-3 months. I have to force myself to start some mirzastic Angular project soon, to put to practice what I've learned!
Learning Angular and doing a bit of freelancing over the weekend.
Finished a course on Angular and done some more reading about C#
Investigating a ticked led me to a very fun SQL journey - I had to manipulate a few entries (with commit and rollback) in order to reproduce the issue and report a bug.
Experimented with a few new SQL queries and read about routing in AngularJS.
Read about Angular, practiced SQL and went to a QA meetup with a couple of colleagues after work, listened to lectures about future of QA profession, automation with Docker and API testing in Postman, it was mirzastic learning experience!
Couple of days spent learning Angular and reading about it, it's time to start a project!
Completed a short course on C#, done some native testing on Android, a bit of a modest API troubleshooting and tried out a few new SQL queries.
Started learning test automation formally today, played around with a few existing test also done some native bug hunting and started a short course on http://ASP.NET
Spent the last few learning test case automation with C# that will be my main focus in the upcoming period, also diving in deeper in SQL and getting more familiar with Angular - focusing on testing with Protractor, Jasmine and Karma.
Before starting the 5th round I might take a few days break from the challenge. But I won't stop learning - I've hoarded a ton of courses from the Pluralsight app so I can continue learning something new everyday!
Thanks for taking the time to read!
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